I agree with companies that tell me they don’t need to use a recruiter when they can get good candidates on their own…that is, of course if “good” and “adequate”candidates are what they want and need. Companies looking for extraordinary candidates use recruiters.
There are plenty of candidates scouring newspaper ads, or posting their resumes on the Internet. The best way to source these candidates are through your own HR Department not through a professional recruiter. However, if you are looking for the non-traditional (not the typical) candidate, you may want to consider including a recruiter into your search process.
As an executive recruiter who specializes in the banking industry, I literally talk to a hundred people every day about what they want out of their work environment. And while recent studies show that 75% of people are willing to look for another job even if they are currently employed, most of the top performers don't have time to actively look for a new opportunity. So if you want to hire the best, the good news is that most people are willing to listen. The bad news is that you need to actively market your company and you have to become very attractive. That's where a professional recruiter can help you."
The top three reasons people consider new opportunities are:
The specifics of these opportunities really need to be captured and “marketed” to a top performer so that they are willing to take the time to meet with a prospective employer. Again, that’s where working with a professional recruiter can help.
How to work with a Recruiter the right way…
Imagine you are a top performer in your current position, you are being paid well, management recognizes and appreciates the job you do, you win awards, trips and you are in line for the next promotion. Then one day, a recruiter calls you with an opportunity. Your “typical” response is, “I’m not looking for a job”. Isn’t this the type of candidate you want on your team? The answer to both questions is most always YES!
If the top performer I described sounds like someone you would want on your team, imagine how far a recruiter would get by saying, “ok, send me your resume and I’ll see if they are interested in speaking with you”. It is a guarantee that they will not send a resume, and you will not have the opportunity to bring this superstar on your team.
By spending time upfront with your recruiter, you will help them develop compelling and exciting information about your unique opportunity that will encourage a top performer to consider meeting with your company. Take the time to partner and work with your recruiter to ensure they bring you the kind of top talent that will help you grow your bottom line.
As a recruiter we care about your company’s success and as a partner, we want to ensure you of our relentless pursuit to obtain the right candidate for your company. And for those reasons…. you SHOULD use a recruiter.
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